Monday, April 30, 2007

Felted Jelly Rolls!

I made felted jelly rolls this weekend! Aren't they cool! I will use them in a needle felted project very soon (I hope!). This is my first attempt at doing something like this so I still have a lot to learn and want to make the next ones differently. They are made from prefelt fabric that I purchased from Outback Fibers online and I added wisps of wool roving in the orange/brown roll on the right and wisps of silk roving in the black/purple/green on the left. The silk roving didn't show up like I wanted it to.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Abstract Challenge - Orange

This is the little piece I made for the Abstract Challenge list that I belong to. The word this month was "Orange". The center orange piece is painted tyvek and it reminded me of the texture on the outside of an orange. The next two layers of teal and orange are painted cotton batting, the yellow is wool felt, and it's mounted on a painted wrapped canvas.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What a Mess!

Here are more photos of my messy living area. You really need a big imagination to see the potential. We have ordered vinyl plank flooring that looks like hickory wood. We will have to move all the furniture and boxes to one area so we can start installing the floor. The problem is it won't fit in one area so we will be moving all this stuff several times to get the floor layed. We ordered 2400 sq. feet of flooring so this is a large area. I only posted photos of the central section.

Painted Walls

I have painted walls after living 2 years with textured sheetrock! I'm still living in a construction zone but at least the walls are painted. I chose Cinnamon Cherry for the dining room area.

The bistro area has taupe walls and the other walls are a blue/gray. We have furniture and boxes everywhere. It's really a mess but I can't unpack until we get the floor layed. The flooring is on order and should be here in a couple of weeks.

I still can't get my photos posted in the position I want them! There should be a way to move them around. Oh well. I have more photos but I'll post them later.

I have the furniture covered with old blankets because of the cats. One of these days I hope to have new more modern furniture but that will have to wait.