Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Photos of flowers

It's Spring here in Oklahoma City and the azaleas are in full bloom along with the tulips and the blue pansies. I took this photo on the Chesapeake campus at N.W. 63 and Western. Chesapeake has a beautifully landscaped 50-acre campus! It's an energy company that has grown by leaps and bounds and now employees over 1800 people.

Monday, April 21, 2008

On to Landscapes

Now I'm painting landscapes. I've purchased a couple of how-to books so I can learn some new techniques so these aren't original. Carla and I plan to take a field trip soon and do some plein air painting. Right now I don't have the right equipment to paint outside but until then we can take photos and draw sketches.

Fruits and Vegetables

I'm still consumed with oil painting and I'm hoping that I will improve one of these days! I'm still learning but I can see a little improvement.

When I paint still-lifes the fruit and vegetables have to set out until the painting is finished and since I can't paint everyday the produce gets old before I can finish a painting. I know it's a waste of good food but I can't help it! I think of them as my models. Anyway I used the same onion for several paintings and the poor thing started to sprout! I didn't know onions would sprout but it was very cute and interesting to me so I painted it along with a couple of peppers.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Time Tracks is framed

I'm really pleased with Time Tracks. Pirates Alley did the framing and PhotoFactory took the digital image for me.

Too Many .coms now framed

Here is the photo of "Too Many .coms" that PhotoFactory took for me today. This photo shows the mat and frame.