Monday, July 28, 2008

New 12 x 12

I'm sure glad women are allowed to change their minds! I decided to make a different piece for the 12 x 12 exhibit I mentioned earlier. The other piece was nice but as one of my friends told me it wasn't equal to my best work so I made another piece.

This is about 9.5" square and will be mounted on a 12" square black canvas. The background is a felted piece of Merino wool batt. The other pieces in the design are also made from Merino wool and have been needle felted then I added beads and hand embroidery. I'm still working on a title....4-D Intellator is what my husband suggested. That's a word he made up that stands for intellectual translator. The symbols on the left are being translated into other alien languages through a 4th dimension device. I know, I know.....I watch too many Sci-Fi movies!

Fiber Christmas in July

A couple of friends, Shirley and Dorothy, went with me this past weekend to Kellyville, OK to the Fiber Christmas in July event I took my camera but forgot to take photos! It was a small wool festival but we all had fun, met new 'fiber people', and spent money. They had some really nice wool available so I couldn't resist bringing a sampling home with me.

Mixed Media Collage Exhibit

I entered a local show, Mixed Media Collage, sponsored by the Oklahoma Watermedia Association last week and had all three pieces accepted into the exhibition. The show is on display until August 22nd at the Norick Art Center on the Oklahoma City University campus. My "In Kandinsky Time" received a Judge's Mention so I was very pleased!

I admire Wassily Kandinsky's abstract paintings so that's what inspired this piece. Kandinsky was also a musician and since I'm working on a Time Series the title (In Kandinsky Time) seemed to fit. I made the black felted background from Corridale wool then added the other pieces of the design by needle felting. Then of course I had to add beads and hand embroidery. This is mounted on a thick gallery canvas that I painted.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Paintings in progress

I'm still working on oil paintings. I think I'm improving but it seems like a very slow process. It just takes a lot of practice and you end up with a lot of bad paintings! Here are my latest two paintings that are still in progress. I have more work to do on the turtles but it's almost finished.

Current Works In Progress

I've been invited again this year by OVAC (Okla. Visual Arts Coalition) to participate in their fund raiser event called 12 x 12. I love this annual event so I'm honored to be included. They supply a 12 x 12 canvas for the artist to use so this felted piece will be sewn to the canvas once I have painted it purple.

I belong to Yahoo group called abstract challenge and this piece was originally made for one of their challenges. I changed the face and added a couple of borders and unless I change my mind, which I'm allowed to do, this will become my 12 x 12 submission. I still have time so I may make another piece before making my final decision.