Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm the Co-Chair for Fiberworks again this year so this is a busy time! This is a copy of the invitation that we mailed on the 20th. Carla, my 'painting buddy', is also a graphic designer by trade so she designed all of the promotional material for Fiberworks. I have my three pieces ready to enter next weekend so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that at least one of them will be accepted by the juror. This is always a wonderful exhibit so I encourage anyone within driving distance to Oklahoma City to see it. It will be on display from June 12th to July 3rd at the IAO Gallery, 811 N. Broadway, OKC. If you live in Oklahoma and want to enter the show the prospectus is available on FAO's website You can also see photos of the Fiberworks 2008 exhibit and read the newsletters....I just happen to be the Newsletter Editor for FAO also.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I graduated from Chandler High School in 1969....I can't believe it but that was 40 years ago! I attended some of the alumni festivities this past weekend. These photos were taken by Alylene's husband Steve so I copied them from her FaceBook page. We met at Vernon's house on Friday night to eat and work on the class float for the Alumni Parade that takes place the next day on Saturday morning. Most of the anniversary classes participate in the Alumni Parade by decorating a 'float' for the class to ride in down Main Street. Vernon had an old dump truck so that's what we rode in for the parade. What fun!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Story Time and Ancient Sanctuary

I took my latest felted pieces to PhotoFactory today and had them photographed. They have photographed all my work for at least 8 years and have always done a good job but to my dismay they will be closing their doors the end of this month! I'm so disappointed....I'm sure their employees that will be losing their jobs are more disappointed than I but I will miss them. I'll have to learn how to photograph my work or find an alternative. You can look at these photos and then look at the ones I took (the ones I uploaded last week) and see a huge difference.....I think I better start looking for another photographer, lol!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Two Works in Progress

I'm frantically trying to finish two new pieces before June 6 which is the entry date for Fiberworks 2009 and my birthday. I have the felted pieces finished but they aren't attached to the canvases yet. I tried to take photos this morning but the images are very poor. I'll upload the professional photos once I have them taken.
The first piece is named "Story Time" and the second piece is "Ancient Sanctuary". "Story Time" was needled felted and wet felted and "Ancient Sanctuary" is just needle felted.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Portrait

I had to have my portrait taken (I'll tell you why in a minute) so since my niece, Jenny, does such a wonderful job I asked her to take my picture. She is very talented and has all the equipment setup because she photographs her two children. This is one of the photos that she took, I'm waiting for her to send me the others.
I was asked to participate in an upcoming exhibit at Price Towers Art Center and they requested a portrait along with artist statements, resume, and images of my artwork that they wanted to borrow. I hadn't had a portrait taken in at least 30 years so I figured they would rather have a more current image, lol! Although I prefer the one I had taken 30 years, I looked so young back then!
See, I found the old photo so I decided to upload it too. This is what my husband Ron and I looked like 30 years ago.