Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My little Dudley

This is Dudley, my little Ragdoll. He is fully matured and only weighs 8 1/2 pounds which is small for a Ragdoll but he was the runt of the litter. I didn't enhance this photo at all, his eyes are really this blue. I need to get a good photo of him so I can paint his portrait.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


"Dorothea" is still wet and setting on my easel at the moment. This is another 11 x 14 oil painting. I think I'm stuck on that size but when you buy panels from Raymar you have to buy 10 at a time. This is also a good size for portraits. This is the first portrait that I've painted with the subject wearing glasses. They are hard to do and you can tell I need practice!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Old Hermit

This is "Old Hermit" the latest painting in my portrait series that is also 11" x 14". I really like this painting. Carla came over Saturday and after buying frames at our favorite frame shop (Pirates Alley) we came back to the studio and painted. It was one of those special painting sessions where things just 'clicked'. I wish that happened more often! Anyway we were both very pleased with our paintings that day.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Old Barn

I really need to get a better photograph of this painting. I don't like the way the barn has a glazy look on the roof and the left side but I didn't take the time to setup any special lighting. I'll have to experiment with that later. Anyway this is my latest painting. It's on an 8" x 10" canvas panel board that I purchase from RayMar Art.  They are a very high quality panel that won't warp and I love them.

UPDATE (4/7/10): I just sold this painting to a very dear friend. Thank you, Erika, I hope you enjoy the painting!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

It's hard to believe that another year has come and gone. Time passes by so quickly. I painted this portrait of an older woman yesterday who has seen many years go by in her lifetime. I like to imagine that she is fondly remembering those years and is looking forward to the ones to come. I was able to spend some time in my studio yesterday afternoon painting with my friend Carla. What a way to start the new year.....working in my studio is my favorite thing to do whether I'm working with fiber or oil paint.