Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Old Isaac's Place

I just finished this little 8" x 10" last night. I chose this scene to paint because I love the old rickety fence. Whoa, I see a glaring error in this painting that I need to fix! It really helps to look at a photo of a painting that you thought was finished!

Now I'm working on a portrait of a family member. Why is it so much harder to paint someone that you know? It seems like it would be an advantage because you know your subject but it's more difficult to me. I think it will be a nice painting when I'm finished but it won't look like my family member, that's for sure! I need to practice drawing the person then I will try it again later.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More Paintings and One Fiber Piece in Process!

I don't think these two still life paintings need an explaination but since this is a blog I should say something about them, lol! The pears are more realistic than the flower arrangement and that was done on purpose. I painted the pears from a photograph and the flowers were painted from a still life setup in my studio. It was intended to be more whimsical. I actually used a piece of hand dyed fabric for the back ground that was exactly that color of bright yellow green.
This portrait of an older woman praying is my latest painting. The hands were hard for me to paint. I really like this painting....not that it is well painted but I like the subject.
I felted this piece Sunday afternoon. This is just a start, it has a long way to go before it is finished. I have more defined felting to do then I will add embroidery stitches and maybe some beads. You may remember this design.....I took it from one of my abstract paintings. The painting is 6" x 8" and this piece will be about 18" x 24" when it's finished. Maybe I'll have it finished in time to enter into Fiberworks in June.