Thursday, December 16, 2010

FAD 2010 Christmas Party

FAD Group celebrated Christmas together last night and had a great time of food and fellowship! We all brought something to eat and drink and enjoyed our evening together. Above is Carla, Stephanie, and I looking at a photograph of a art project on Stephanies camera.
 Charlotte and Shirley enjoy a little conversation before the appetizers were served.
Shirley, Stephanie, Lynn, Carla, and Charlotte enjoying our meal. Carla made a killer lasagna that was delicious! Shirley brought all the appetizers, white wine, and the artisan bread, Stephanie brought a creamed broccoli dish, Charlotte and Lynn brought wonderful desserts, and I made a salad and provided wine and tea. It was a wonderful meal with the most wonderful friends!
 Shirley is in the kitchen helping with the clean up.
 Stephanie is getting her broccoli dish out of the oven.
 Lynn is enjoying the delicious meal!
Charlotte entertained us with hilarious escapes she experienced at different airports. Now really I ask you, does this look like a person that needs to be patted down at the airport?

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Still Life

This is my latest still life oil painting. I love this little vase that was made by a local well known ceramists, Paul Pfrehm. I have several of his beautiful pottery pieces and I love all of them. My still life paintings have improved since taking the workshop with Carlene Reeves but I still have a long ways to go! It just takes lots and lots of practice to improve but I haven't had as much time lately to paint. Hopefully, that will change soon after the holidays.

Thanksgiving Day 2010

My nephew, Jeff, who is preparing to be deployed to Afganistan soon, and his father, Larry. Relaxing after eating a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.
 My nephew-in-law, Daniel and his beautiful daughter, Laryssa.
 My dad doesn't look very happy.....maybe he ate too much!
 My niece-in-law, Rebecca is helping Nathan with an art project.
 My husband, Ron.
 My family celebrated Thanksgiving Day at my sister's house. Sue already has her Christmas decorations up and they are lovely!
Sitting around the kitchen table after Thanksgiving dinner is Rebecca, Nathan (Jennifer's son), and Jennifer, my niece.