Friday, January 28, 2011

Painting of Flowers in a Jar

Carla and I haven't had much time to paint lately and the last few paintings that I attempted were horrible. However, I'm pleased with the way this one turned out. I'm trying to apply what I learned in my workshop with Carlene Reeves last October. There are so many different things to think about when your painting so I'm trying to learn to slow down and think about what I'm doing. This is a difficult task for me!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 2011 FAD Group Meeting

We had our first FAD Group meeting for 2011 Monday night at my studio. It's hard to believe that another year has come and gone. Pictured above is Marie, Shirley, and Stephanie. Marie brought a new embroidery piece she has started and it is setting on the table in front of her. The base consists of a photo that she took, then transferred it to a piece of muslin. I didn't get a photo of Stephanie's little knotted piece but it is gorgeous and bound to be another award winner. Stephanie has a piece in the Materials Hard and Soft exhibit that will be opening soon in Denton, TX. I think I foresee a road trip in the future for our group!

The beautiful flowers in the vase at the end of the table was a gift from my friend, Paul. Carla and I tried to use them in a still life setup but failed miserable to capture their beauty on canvas. I took photos of them so maybe we can paint them later.