Tuesday, March 13, 2007

MWC March 2007

The FAD Group has a display at the Midwest City Library. Six of us met there to install the exhibit last week that we titled "Purchased or Handmade?". We hung our art work on the long slotted wall and filled the three glass display cases with more work and educational material about felting, spinning, and knitting. We had a fun afternoon at the Library and we seemed to generate a lot of interest with the patrons and the staff.
FAD members pictured from left to right are; Carla Houston, Marilu Benton, Marie Miller, Shirley Conaway, and Lynn Craigie. We are taking a well deserved break in the lobby of the Midwest City Library where our exhibit is on display.


Vivian said...

Hi Kay ...
It is fun working with a group!
I find it pushes me into action more often. I'm in a group of seven and we just finished a show in La Conner Quilt Museum in Washington. It was a great experience.

Kay Taylor West said...


Yes, being involved with a support group is wonderful! The FAD (Fiber Art Design)Group is the greatest group of talented women anyone could hope to meet. We have been a group for a long time and have become great friends. They are my source of inspiration!
I saw a few photos online of your show in Washington and it was awesome! Congratulations! I wish I could have seen it in person but Washington is too far from Oklahoma.