Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More on Painting Workshop

In the painting workshop that I took last week, we painted a still life using only values or gray scale. The next day we painted the same view of the still life in color using our gray scale painting as a reference for the values. My value study had some placement or size issues (the egg and the clay pot weren't occupying the space correctly) so they were corrected in the color painting. Of course, one reason they were correct in the color painting is because Dan (the teacher) sketched in the objects for me. I plan on painting this same still life again on a larger scale to see if I can do it all by myself. These paintings are only 6" x 8".


Vivian said...

Isn't it amazing how these teachers can see the 'fix' in an instant!

Kay Taylor West said...

Yes it is! Vivian, I'm sure you were one of those amazing teachers yourself.